Cancer Types
We Serve
Personalized Cancer Treatments Empowered by Data
The Cancer Patient Lab helps advanced cancer patients – patients who are beyond the standard of care – navigate through the complex challenges they face. 

If you are living with advanced cancer, you may not have easy answers to what you should do, especially regarding decisions about testing and treatment options. You may face challenges of a late diagnosis, poor prognosis, limited treatment options or too many treatment options, and a lack of specialist knowledge.
Once you are in this zone of complex advanced disease, you need the same things irrespective of cancer type:
More data about your disease from more testing.
More targeted treatment options with a better chance of delivering a durable response.
Access to those tests and treatment options.
Access to experts to guide you on your unique,

personal journey.
Help paying for treatments.
Cancer Communities
The Cancer Patient Lab started in advanced prostate cancer, building off of a “hackathon” we ran for Bryce Olson, helping him make his best next treatment decision. We then expanded into pancreatic and brain cancer through a collaboration with Cancer Commons, and their relationships with patients with those diseases. Our intention is to help all advanced cancer patients and caregivers who are beyond the easy decisions, irrespective of cancer type.
"Empowering you with the
information and support you need to get the best possible outcomes"